Entangled Attraction
By Sally Weber and Craig Newswanger, Resonance Studio
Soundscape by Jonathan Crawford
February 15 – April 2, 2023
The Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA, Osher Gallery 1, Black Box
Entangled Attraction & Raylights
By Sally Weber and Craig Newswanger, Resonance Studio
Sounscape by Jonathan Crawford
Immersive kinetic light artworks exhibited at Glow: Discover the Art of Light, The Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
November 17, 2022 - January 29, 2023
Convergence of Unruly Outcomes
Works by Sally Weber and Craig Newswanger, Resonance Studio
Oakland Festival of Immersive Arts
Presented by Immersive Arts Alliance. Oakland, CA, July 15-24, 2022
An immersive environment inspired by the turbulence of chaos, “Convergence of Unruly Outcomes” presents the viewer with trails of light in motion. Revealing the unpredictable, new patterns emerge as the eye captures traces of flickering light sweeping through the air.
“...Sally Weber and Craig Newswanger’s “Convergence of Unruly Outcomes,” kinetic and light installations at Studio 17, was a popular destination throughout the night. The Oakland artists explored concepts of chaos by creating unpredictable patterns of light in a dark room environment with four works. Chiefly, “Entangled Orbits and Stars” creates rotating spirals and dotted trails of white light, while “Out-of-Bounds” forms streaks of blue light with an erratic swinging pendulum. Those works, as well as the flashing lights of “Cosmic Encounter” and the sound-responsive “Raylights,” encouraged lingering given how easy it was to get absorbed into the work. …"
— San Francisco Chronicle review, Tony Bravo, July 18, 2022
Entangled Orbits and Stars – rotating spirals and dotted trails of white light, from “Convergence of Unruly Outcomes,” four light works by Sally Weber and Craig Newswanger, Oakland Festival of Immersive Arts, Oakland, CA, July 15-24, 2022
Kinetic light installation by Sally Weber
Currents New Media 2021, Center For Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM, June 18-27, 2021
Thirty laser pendulums spin, twist, and swing pass by each other, chaotically drawing erratic trajectories across 2 arcs of white sand. Informed by the jitter at the most archaic and elemental level of life, inFLUX captures the random interaction between the pendulums and leaves colored traces of their paths across the sand. This ceaseless motion is at our core, the fundamental that binds our body and all matter together. The entanglements of the infinitesimal within.
Sally Weber, inFLUX installation, Currents New Media 2021, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe
Threshold of a Singularity - A Memorial
Episode 6 featuring Sally Weber
Color, Light, Motion Series
View video below: Sally Weber in conversation with Victoria Vesna (Art Advisor) and Bess Rochlitzer (Chairwoman of the Board of the Bermant Foundation) brought to you by the David Bermant Foundation. Weber discusses her works in The David Bermant Collection, and light art as advanced at her alma mater, the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT. In 2021, David Bermant Foundation and the Art|Sci Center at UCLA began producing the Color, Light, Motion Series, online lectures by artists and scholars.
Color, Light, Motion Series, Episode 6: Sally Weber. Broadcast Saturday, October 2, 2021
VIDEO: Color, Light, Motion Series, Episode 6: Sally Weber. From the David Bermant Foundation. Broadcast Saturday, October 2, 2021

Flashpoint, large format digital print
YELLOW! Exhibition
Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA, Nov 20 – Dec 18, 2021
Weber’s large format print is part of the YELLOW! exhibition featuring the work of Bay Area photographers. The exhibition celebrates the color yellow, embracing the unexpected and treasured qualities of this color in many mediums.
Images: Sally Weber, Flashpoint, from the Depth and Field series (Works on Paper)

FLUX 2020
FLUX, storefront initiative
Oakland CA, Oct. 4, 2020 - Jan. 11, 2021
Presented by Oakland Art Murmur and Immersive Arts Alliance
A triple sandbox version of Sally Weber’s FLUX was the first artwork to be installed in an empty Oakland storefront during the Covid Pandemic shutdown in 2020. Passersby could view FLUX through the windows every evening. Inspired by the constant motion of photons, Weber explained, “FLUX suggests the vibration that is always with us, endlessly fading and renewing.”
Presence in art is everything. The ability to see it dimensionally…it’s like the difference between a Zoom meeting with a friend and meeting them for a cup of coffee.
- Sally Weber, re: FLUX storefront initiative
VIDEO: watch a triple sandbox version of Sally Weber’s FLUX, installed in an empty Oakland storefront during the Covid Pandemic shutdown in 2020. “FLUX suggests the vibration that is always with us, endlessly fading and renewing.” (Weber)

Genealogy, large format digital print
The Meaning of Green, online exhibition
Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA
Sep. 11- Dec. 31, 2020
A “virtual online show of green inspired images from a wide array of traditional and alternative photographic processes by Bay Area Photographers,” The Meaning of Green was a salve to pandemic-weary audiences.
Images: Sally Weber, Genealogy, from the Depth and Field series (Works on Paper)
I click through the images again and again and feel soothed, simply soothed. Maybe this selection of images is an antidote to the pandemic too.
– Juror Ann Jastrob
Public Art Commission, City of Fort Worth, TX, April 2020
Three painted steel-framed houses on posts with custom glass inspired by the area and its draw of migrants through time, all looking for a home.
See more Haven in the Public Art section of this website
FWPA COLLECTION Commissioned by the City of Fort Worth
Ruth’s Table
“Echoes of Bauhaus Photography Cast Long Shadows”
San Francisco, CA, February – April 24, 2020
This exhibition had to close on March 17, 2020 due to the statewide Covid Pandemic shutdown in California. This was the third of four exhibitions paying homage to the Bauhaus at 100 by curator Hanna Regev.
Works in the exhibition by Sally Weber included Carbon Rose and Spared (Works on Paper) and Speed of Shadows (Holography).
In this show, the old Bauhaus and the new are joined by the spirit of unlimited experimentation, creativity, and invention.
- Hanna Regev, from Curatorial Statement